About This Blog

LaezE Reviews is done by a self described sorry SoB, who's just trying to have a good time. I'm personally up for trying anything once, and have a habit of getting ahead of myself.
If you have any suggestions on something you think I should take a look at, shoot me an email and if I think it's interesting enough, I garuntee it'll end up on the site!

BK Stackers

Considering I got more then a few request to review more food, I decided to use one of my personal favorite burgers, the BK stacker.  When you've been deprived of greasy fast food as long as I have, these things are heaven in a bun.
These things have nothing but patties, bacon, and a cheesy sauce.  For only $2 the double stacker is a great deal, and at $3 the triple stacker is even better.  If you have a Burger King near you (which you probably do) then at the very least you can use the $1 on the single stacker to see if you'll like it. 
So as long as you're not a vegetarian chances are you'll really enjoy the BK Stacker.