About This Blog

LaezE Reviews is done by a self described sorry SoB, who's just trying to have a good time. I'm personally up for trying anything once, and have a habit of getting ahead of myself.
If you have any suggestions on something you think I should take a look at, shoot me an email and if I think it's interesting enough, I garuntee it'll end up on the site!


Before I start todays review, I want to apologize for not having anything yesterday.  I had a busy day, and I didn't really have anything I could type in 5 minutes, but I promise I'll have something next week.

This is a band I recently had the pleasure of finding, called NGage.  They play something called "chillstep" which according to one of my sources is how dubstep is supposed to be played.  I personally find this music really relaxing, and I've been using it as my internet browsing music for the past week.
They're an indie band, so besides music on youtube and their site, you really won't find them much anywhere else, which is really a pain.
Even if you're not a fan of dubstep, at least listen to this song before you judge, I'm fairly certain you'll like it.
Well that's it today, see you guys tomorrow!


  1. It's okay. Like Imogen Heap + Dubstep... It just annoys me when bands self-proclaim themselves as a "best kept secret."

  2. As you said, im not a big dubstep fan, but this one was pretty good.

  3. hahaha musical genres are getting so ridiculous now

  4. Not my thing.
    And don't apologize, we all have such days. :)

  5. Great song man, i'll check that "chillstep" :P

  6. This is a great song. I find this tempo is way better to watch a dancer groove to.

  7. I already have some songs of them. (:

  8. hey! this is pretty good. I added this to my youtube favorites.

  9. that was a nice track man :)

  10. Calling yourself 'a best kept secret' is such a hipster thing to do. But to be honest, this is a sweet track. So I'll forgive them for that. And enjoy the awesome music!

  11. Not bad, but I like my dubstep more Borgore style. Distorted wobs and inappropriate lyrics that would appeal to 12 year olds are awesome

  12. God I love chillstep. If you are into it you should try Phaeleh - Awakening or Afterglow or Tenderness by Bulb ;)

  13. awesome post man i love dubstep

  14. A great take on dubstep, sowing it doesn't have to be all up in your face WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB

  15. Ahhhh! I am a fan of chillstep, and I try to incorporate some into each of my dubstep shows here on our local college radio station. Most of my listeners prefer brostep, I'm afraid, however.

  16. thatsa great dubstep

  17. Not a big fan of dubstep but this isn't half bad!

  18. Nice.. chillstep, huh? Might have to check it out. :)

  19. dubstep <3 i love it, keep on posting and i follow you ^^

  20. I really really like this. This is the kind of music my fiance listens to when he makes websites, and I love it so much that I usually have him play it on the external speakers and read a book, color, or write while listening to it. Great find!
